Friday, June 02, 2006

rejecting the premise

New Telecom board chairman, Wayne Boyd, was interviewed by Michael Wilson on ASB Business this morning. Throughout the entire interview Boyd employed a tactic of not accepting the premise of the interviewers question, instead responding with answers that suited him. This is a bad move on two accounts:

1 - Boyd isn't a seasoned interviewee, so in rejecting the premise of each of Wilson's questions, he failed to address anything that seemed remotely relevant.
2- For a company desperately needing to win back the trust of its customers, Boyd's tactic came off as evasive.

Wilson isn't an aggressive interviewer, preferring to ask questions in a conversational matter (which suits ASB Business well), but he was clearly frustrated and confused by Boyds answers, as his guests usually respond well to his interviews.

It seems confusion may see a comeback as a PR tool for Telecom