Thursday, June 15, 2006

good news everybody

Finally, an announcement on Digital TV. Which is good news, a workable model that ensures we don't fall behind the world in broadcast television. Freeview, the platform name of the service, will be delivered to our homes via satellite and/or terrestrial transmission. We will need a set top box, however - but on the plus side, up to 18 channels!

Nat MP Georgina te Heuheu couldn't resist a moan though, blasting the government for not providing details such as how much the set top box will cost or how much taxpayer money will go into the service. Which are good questions, just a shame that the government answered them an hour before te Heuheu asked. The cost to customers is approx $200 and the maximum taxpayers will pay is $25 million. Sure, Broadcasting Minister Steve Mahery didn't give the exact retail price - but it's still a year off, and one would expect the government to thoroughly explore different suppliers of set top boxes to get the best price and features before setting the retail cost.

The government released a FAQ around Freeview which does into more detail, while the Greens had warnings about the dilution of NZ content.