Monday, October 09, 2006

shiny & new

So I've spent a very long time updating the design of the blog rather than any real work or useful posts - mostly because of the change to blogger in beta - which was worth it, but if you want to do anything remotely interesting with your blog, set aside the weekend.

(n.b. the change is really done in two stages, one to shift everything over, the second to update the template. It's the template change that can take a while if you like a custom template)

Also put some shiny new pictures from around Auckland to liven things up a bit in the header. Ooooh...

And to give credit where it's due (esp if you're after the funky drop down label box), here is the copyright & credit notice from the HEAD section of the blog template.

--- (c) 2006

Images & text (c) 2006

Template based on Minima by Douglas Bowman ( 26 Feb 04, updated by Blogger team and modified by urbancast with (hacked) labels hack from


Unknown said...

Nice look - now just hoping the comments work ;-p

James said...

and they do!