Friday, September 15, 2006

a few things

So I was going to post a long post, but got caught up transferring to blogger in beta, and only have a few moments before leaving for work. Don't know if it's any good yet, but I'm sure I'll know soon enough.

I did discover that there were comments waiting for moderation that I didn't know about - so I'm not rude - just didn't realise that my settings were wrong (you can now comment without me having to moderate)

In good news, the shop floor workers at Prog's seem to have a decent deal on the table, but the distribution workers remain locked out.

I wasn't impressed by this fuss, but I have to say it was a mistake for Brash to announce that he was having time off. Leaders can't hide in times of crisis, no matter how unfair the crisis is in the first place.

And Brian Rudman is changing his tune about the mega city concept.